O come, magnify the 


Let us exalt his name together

W O R S H I P          P U R P O S E          F E L L O W S H I P
Where God is Worshiped
Purpose is Discovered
Families Come Together

The Latest Sermon

  A HUGE "Thank You" to every single one of you who donated to our Tackle Hunger Food Drive!!!  30 of our youth, 1st-12th grade, delivered 609 items to the Cambria Pantry on Wednesday, February 26th. Wow!  Thank you for supporting our youth and our community! 

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00am  &  10:30am

Wednesday Evenings

Food and Fellowship at 5:00-5:45pm
Refuel at 6:00pm

Our Mission

Our mission is to help people establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and learn how to live an abundant life through Him.  
We believe that through the preaching and teaching of the Bible and worshiping with a body of believers,
individuals will grow spiritually and discover their purpose in this life. 
We are committed to loving and serving God, loving each other, maturing spiritually and being witnesses for Jesus.